Abby Hatcher Wiki
Abby Hatcher Wiki

While stargazing with Abby and the fuzzlies, Harriet see's the planet Neptune and decides she wants to go there. That night, however, Harriet has a nightmare where she is kidnapped by a clan of Neptinian's led by the evil Darth Gator (Tim Lagasse). Gator explains how he wanted a wife to call his own for 60 years, and when he came upon Harriet, he decided to take her back to Neptune so he could marry her. Abby and Bozzly try to rescue her with the help of a space captain named Hans Loso (Martin P. Robinson) and his crew and Millenium Falcon space shuttle. By the time they arrive on Neptune, Darth Gator is trying to force himself onto Harriet and Harriet is trying everything she can to avoid his advances. She eventually meets up with Hans in the hallways and he explains his situation and the rescue mission being held. Harriet thinks he will be a much better boyfriend than Gator, but he declines her suggestions, claiming to already be married to a fellow deaf Neptunian named Flour De Lyse (Pam Arciero). Nevertheless, Darth Gator finds them talking in the hallways and realizes the rescue taking place, so he grabs a knife from his drawer and uses it to stab Hans in the back while the latter is focused on Harriet. Harriet threatens to tell the authorities, but Gator knocks her out with his tail and when she wakes up, Hans's soldiers think she was the one to kill Hans and arrest her. Little do they know, however, that Abby and Bozzly were watching the entire thing and catching it on tape, which they then use to expose Darth Gator as a fraud. Meanwhile, Harriet is taken into custody and tortured until she falsely confesses to the murder before being sentenced to be burned alive in the court. The following day, Harriet is brought to a trial prior to her death sentence, only for Darth Gator to bring in Hans and some of his soldiers. Gator reveals to Harriet and the court that despite surviving the attack, Hans also believes that Harriet was the one who stabbed him and as a result, he couldn't care less whether Harriet lives or dies. In return, Hans reveals that he hired Flour De Lyse to be the judge for Harriet's trial, but because she is deaf, Harriet can't reveal to her that Gator was the one who tried killing Hans. Gator and his guards then start laughing at what's going on, and when Harriet calls him out on it, Gator once again frames Harriet for mocking De Lyse, who then states that before her execution, Harriet will first be sentenced to 3 hours in the pillory being whipped and ridiculed by the people of Neptune. After bringing Harriet to and strapping her down to the pillory, the guards then spin the pillory in front of an enraged Neptunian crowd while De Lyse whips Harriet relentlessly and the Neptunians throw rocks at her. It doesn't take long, however, for Abby and Bozzly to show up before Harriet could be burned at the stake and prove Harriet's innocence and Darth Gators involvement in Hans's stabbing. Gator once again makes off with Harriet as his hostage before Hans gives Abby a special ring with a dial showing the North and South and the power to grant the users any wish as long as the dial always faces the South. If the dial is turned to the North, the user will turn into a serpent and kill anything in sight that isn't either a close friend or family member. Abby wishes for a weapon of choice, and the ring gives her and Bozzly lightsabers to help them on their mission to save Harriet. Meanwhile, Harriet is once again trying to avoid the advances of Darth Gator, who threatens to cook her and throw her into a pit of white tigers if she does not marry him. He gives her an ultimatum of if she will die today or do something about it, but when Harriet is about to agree to the marriage, Abby and Bozzly show up to save Harriet and fight off Darth Gators guards with their lightsabers. When all of Darth Gator’s minions are defeated, Gator gets the upper hand with a lightsaber of his own and tries to strangle Bozzly and when Abby saves him, Gator takes Abby into the tiger pit and tries to feed her and Harriet to the tigers raw. However, Bozzly saves Harriet and Abby by entering the tiger pit himself and ramming his lightsaber into Gators chest. Gator falls from the impact and is eaten alive by his starving tigers while Harriet, Abby, and Bozzly make their escape. However, the tigers then try to eat Harriet, who takes Abby's ring and faces the dial to the North. She then turns into a serpent and kills the tigers one by one, and after all the tigers have been eaten, Abby turns the dial to the South to turn her back to normal. Hans then enters the tiger pit and kisses Harriet on the mouth, causing Harriet to wake up from the dream and decide she likes planet Earth as it is. She tells Abby and the fuzzlies about what happened and they all embrace in the end and live happily ever after.